Beautiful Hope (English Home Language Grade 9: Novel) ePUB (1-year licence)

Level / Grade:
Grade 9

Neo, K


1-year licence

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R 57.00
How far must we go to reach our goals? How much must we sacrifice? What connects us to people we meet along the way?

Dukuza and Nomona leave their rural homes in search of fame. Ambition tears them apart and they go through difficult times. Eventually they do win some recognition – Dukuza as a playwright, Nomona as dancer – but at a price. Both come to realise that to grow as a person, painful experiences and the breaking of ties are necessary.

A story of ambition and growth for young people embarking on life’s journey.

This e​Book is a digital version of the printed, CAPS-approved ​book. Benefits of the ePUB format​ include:​
  • The ability to view on ​a ​desktop computer, notebook or tablet;
  • As learners adjust fonts, rotate and flip pages, content reflows to fit the device's screen giving the user a more flexible experience; and
  • Learners can take notes, highlight and bookmark, and access video and audio for visual learning.
  • More Information
    Edition 1
    Publication date Jan 31, 2015
    Language English
    Author(s) Neo, K
    Level/Grade Grade 9
    Book Type Novel
    Brand Senior African Writers Series
    Imprint Maskew Miller Learning
    ISBN 9780796255983R365
    Licence 1-year licence
    File type ePub
    Format Reflowable
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