What's the difference between an e-text and an epdf?
E-text's are served through the etext platform and are available in either 1 year or 3 year licences. A user needs a code to redeem an e-text product. Click for step-by-step instructions on how to use your eText product.
Our Epdfs are served through Vital Source which allows the user to highlight, bookmark and view the product either online or download it to a preferred device. The user may donwload this product to 4 different devices. Epdfs are valid for a lifetime.
How do I download my E-book?
Once you've made a purchase, you will receive an email which sends you a code and link if you've purchase an e-text title, or, the email will contain login details for the Vital Source download. Click the link and use the details in the email to log in to your Vital Source account. Once you're in, your title should automatically display. If it does not, wait ten minutes and click 'Update booklist' under the 'my account' tab. Your book will now be ready to enjoy.
Why does the screen change when I click to purchase?
We are working with a payment gateway partner - Payfast - and you are moving into their secure environment to make the purchase.
Who has access to my financial details once I enter them into the system?
Only Payfast's secure, automated system will have access to your details to make the connection between your bank account and our account. Neither Payfast, Maskew Miller Learning, nor their service providers will have access to your bank account details.
What products are available for purchase?
Only e-books listed in the 'Shop' category are available for download. We do not currently have print titles available for purchase but you will be able to purchase them at all good bookstores and online at Takealot
Can I look at the product before I download it?
We do not currently offer peeks inside the product.
It's taking longer than 10 minutes for me to have access to my book. What do I do?
Please contact our customer services department on info@mml.co.za or 021 532 6009.
I have a question not covered by the list above. Who can I talk to?
Please contact our customer services department on info@mml.co.za or 021 532 6009.
What's the difference between an e-text and an epdf?
E-text's are served through the etext platform and are available in either 1 year or 3 year licences. A user needs a code to redeem an e-text product. Click for step-by-step instructions on how to use your eText product.
Our Epdfs are served through Vital Source which allows the user to highlight, bookmark and view the product either online or download it to a preferred device. The user may donwload this product to 4 different devices. Epdfs are valid for a lifetime.
How do I download my E-book?
Once you've made a purchase, you will receive an email which sends you a code and link if you've purchase an e-text title, or, the email will contain login details for the Vital Source download. Click the link and use the details in the email to log in to your Vital Source account. Once you're in, your title should automatically display. If it does not, wait ten minutes and click 'Update booklist' under the 'my account' tab. Your book will now be ready to enjoy.
Why does the screen change when I click to purchase?
We are working with a payment gateway partner - Payfast - and you are moving into their secure environment to make the purchase.
Who has access to my financial details once I enter them into the system?
Only Payfast's secure, automated system will have access to your details to make the connection between your bank account and our account. Neither Payfast, Maskew Miller Learning, nor their service providers will have access to your bank account details.
What products are available for purchase?
Only e-books listed in the 'Shop' categroy are available for download. We do not currently have print titles available for purchase but you will be able to purchase them at all good bookstores and online at Takealot
Can I look at the product before I download it?
We do not currently offer peeks inside the product.
It's taking longer than 10 minutes for me to have access to my book. What do I do?
Please contact our customer services department on pearsonza.enquiries@pearson.com or 021 532 6009.
I have a question not covered by the list above. Who can I talk to?
Please contact our customer services department on pearsonza.enquiries@pearson.com or 021 532 6009.