Inzala YamaRhamba (IsiXhosa First Additional Language Grade 12: Drama) ePUB (perpetual licence)

Level / Grade:
Grade 12

Mlokoti, M


Perpetual licence

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R 71.00
Eli libali elilungiselelwe umdlalo weqonga. Usomashishini oselula nodumileyo okwidolophu yaseNgcobo unoshishino oluxube nokulukuhlwa kwabantwana abangamantombazana aselula, uwafundisa ukusebenzisa iziyobisi, aze kamva awaxhaphaze ngokwesini, andule ke ukuwafaka kushishino lwakhe lokuthengisa ngemizimba.

Kumaxhoba singabalula intwazana entle kakhulu, eselula kwaye ekrele-krele ibikhula kwaye ibonisa inkangeleko elandelwa koko kufunwa yintliziyo yayo. Le ntwazana igqibele ngokuba neengcwangu, umsindo, inzondo nentiyo engummangaliso kwaye iqinisekile ngokuziphindezela.

Kazi yozala nkomoni na le ntiyo? Masizivele!

The story is about a young school girl who disobeys her parents and dates a cruel businessman who is engaged in illegal activities. The businessman dismisses the girl and she moves to Cape Town with a broken heart. She becomes the warder at a prison and this is where she starts to have a feeling of revenge.

This eBook is a digital version of the printed, CAPS-approved book. Benefits of the ePUB format include:​
  • The ability to view on a desktop computer, notebook or tablet;
  • As learners adjust fonts, rotate and flip pages, content reflows to fit the device's screen giving the user a more flexible experience; and
  • Learners can take notes, highlight and bookmark, and access video and audio for visual learning.
More Information
Edition 1
Publication date Sep 30, 2016
Language IsiXhosa
Author(s) Mlokoti, M
Level/Grade Grade 12
Book Type Drama
Brand MML Literature
Imprint Maskew Miller Learning
ISBN 9780636204089
Licence Perpetual licence
File type ePub
Format Reflowable
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